Demand Driven Operations Professional

Demand Driven Operations Professional (DDOP)™

The Demand Driven Operations (DDO)™ program is an eight-hour extension program available for those that have gone through DDI’s Demand Driven Planner (DDP)™ program.  The program assumes a deep technical knowledge of DDMRP and will address in depth the other aspects of the Demand Driven Operating Model (DDOM) including operational metrics, control point scheduling, time and capacity buffer management and the struggle between cost and flow in operations. The program offers unique content not found in the DDP or Demand Driven Leader (DDL)™ programs.  The program is ideal for those in an operational scheduling and/or supervisory role or those that are wishing to gain a full appreciation of the entire DDOM.



Dernière modification : 14/10/2024



Jeudi 23 janvier 2025 de 17h à 18h30

Projection du film "The Goal"

Découvrez le film The Goal tiré du livre éponyme du Dr Eli Goldratt et profitez d'une présentation de la nouvelle formation certifiante "TOC Fundamentals".

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Vendredi 24 janvier 2025 de 12h à 13h

Webinar - Certifications professionnelles en supply chain management

Découvrez les certifications promues par AfrSCM et boostez votre carrière.

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Jeudi 06 février 2025

Supply Chain Ouest - Quimper

Le carrefour des professionnels de la logistique et du transport. Venez (re)découvrir l'AfrSCM et demander votre badge gratuit.

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