APICS is pleased to present SCOR® Training in Paris.
SCOR® Training introduces participants to the most widely accepted framework for evaluating and comparing supply chain activities and performance.
Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR®) Framework and Problem Solving with SCOR® trainings offer real-life project examples to illustrate how to improve supply change processes, management and performance.
These training sessions introduce participants to the SCOR® model and focuses on how to:
And by attending these classes you will also be eligible for SCOR® Professional Certification, a credential that demonstrates knowledge of supply chain management and SCOR®
Instructor : Marc Foret
With over 18 years of experience in Supply Chain Management, Marc has held several operational and tactical management positions across planning, sourcing, manufacturing, and logistics, in local, regional and global functions. He provides diagnostics, training, education and coaching services as well as expert counseling in the field of supply chain management to companies in various industries. He is an associate professor at the Louvain School of Management in the Center of Excellence in Supply Chain Management (CESCM). Marc is a APICS SCC Qualified SCOR® Instructor. He is SCOR-P and APICS CPIM & CSCP certified and APICS instructor. He speaks regularly at international supply chain conferences.
En collaboration avec l’ESCP Paris, la formation aura lieu à l’ESCP Paris, 79 Avenue de la République, 75011 Paris métro Rue Saint Maur de 9h précises à 17h : accueil à partir de 8h45
Training Name
Member Fee
Non-Member Fee
SCOR Framework & Problem Solving with SCOR
€ 2220
€ 4440
Tue, Wed & Thu
SCOR Framework
€ 1425
€ 2850
Tue & Wed
Problem Solving with SCOR
€ 995
€ 1990
Adhérent-es : pour bénéficier du tarif membre, allez dans la zone adhérent-es pour récupérer le code du tarif réduit à entrer lors de l’inscription sur le site APICS-SCC
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Salon SITL 2025 - Paris
AfrSCM partenaire
Venez nous rencontrer dans la zone "Campus" pour échanger sur les bonnes pratiques en supply chain management.