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Serious Game The Cool Connection

02/12/2020 09:00Serious Game The Cool Connection  


The Cool Connection
Bridging physical and financial supply chains

The Cool Connection est un « serious game » qui vous permet de faire le lien entre les flux physique et financier des supply chains. Dans toute supply chain, les bénéfices sont liés à la vitesse du flux des informations et des matières pertinentes. Le pilotage, la promotion et la protection de ces flux ont un effet immédiat sur le flux financier, en apportant des revenus et en créant des coûts fixes et variables. Les entrées et les sorties de trésorerie se font à des endroits et des moments différents dans ce flux. Toute entreprise et toute supply chain ont donc besoin de bien gérer leurs flux financiers de la même manière que les flux des matières et informations.




Prochaine session
Le 8 décembre 2020 de 9h à 13h

Ne ratez pas cette occasion unique de découvrir au travers d'un serious game,
l’interdépendance entre les flux physique et financier de la supply chain.

Jouez par équipe de quatre :
VP sales, purchasing, supply chain management, finance
et améliorez ainsi la compréhension entre ces fonctions clés de l'entreprise.



Session animée par Christoph Lenhartz,
Certified Trainer The CoolConnection



Réservez votre place dès maintenant !

tarif adherent

Tarif spécial pour les adhérent-es AfrSCM : GRATUIT*
*Si inscription avec un collègue de profil financier
(DAF, contrôle de gestion, banquier...).


tarif non adh

Tarif non adhérent-es AfrSCM : 180€ HT
Bénéficiez du tarif privilège
en adhérant à AfrSCM

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Au cours du serious game…

Participants get to run their own virtual company called The Cool Connection, a manufacturer of personal care products. Faced with declining performance, the management team must get the company back on track. Your challenges can be to manage its working capital efficiently and effectively or to set up a cross functional IBP process. It’s a high-pressure environment in which effective value chain management is the key to success!

The Cool Connection se joue en équipe de 4 rôles :

Teams will experience the impact of every decision they make, not just in their own functional ‘silo’ but across their business, and the entire value chain!

The VP Sales is responsible for defining the marketing strategies and the negotiation with a range of different types of customers. The negotiations include the service levels as well as for example INCO Terms.

The VP Purchasing is responsible for defining the purchasing strategies and the selection of and the negotiation with suppliers from various regions. The negotiations include the service reliability but also INCO and payment terms.

The VP Supply Chain Management is responsible for production and warehousing. By undertaking intelligent stock planning for components and products, the Supply Chain Manager can optimize both production process and working capital.

The VP Finance is responsible for cash management and financing and negotiates with both banks and credit insurers. These negotiations include the allocation of collateral and the level of credit limits for customers.




The simulation offers the participants different levels of difficulty, depending on their place in the learning process: While level 1 focuses on the basics of the financial supply chain, level 2 addresses working capital, including the management of inventories, accounts payable, and accounts receivable. Level 3 focuses on the impact of INCO terms on costumer and supplier relations. Finally, level 4 looks at the power of Supply Chain Finance (SCF) programs to create stronger value chains.

Naturally, the new release of TCC includes the four already known roles: Sales, Purchasing, Supply chain, and Finance. Working capital is managed and influenced by all of these departments. Sales and Purchasing influence available working capital by negotiating and entering into contracts (When do customers pay? How do they pay? When do suppliers ship?). Supply Chain focuses on inventory and its involvement in the financial side of the business. It all comes together in Finance: the need for working capital must be forecasted. This is the basis for bank arrangements in the form of short-term loans and the promise around the current ratio.

All decisions taken by any role ultimately cumulate in a report in the form of a graph, where, for example, customer-finance reports or supplier-finance reports can be found and analyzed. This can help to optimize decision-making for the next round of the simulation. Ultimately, the new release of TCC is about the flow of money and how it relates to the flow of goods. In aligning these flows, the physical and the financial supply chain can be bridged.



Dernière modification : 26/11/2020




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