Mars 2013 - 1ère présentation de DDMRP en France

Mars 2013 : Conférence de Carol PTAK, 1ere présentation de DDMRP en France « Planifier dans un monde tiré par la demande : Oui, les systèmes MRP peuvent y contribuer »

SITL 30eme Edition

Visionnez la conférence cliquez ici


Lisez l'article de Supply Chain Magazine quotidien n°1599 : cliquer ici

Supply Chain Magazine

DDMRP photo 7


Témoignages des participants à la 1ère formation DDMRP en Europe Pour participer à la prochaine formation, contactez-nous !

"J'ai le sentiment de faire partie des pionniers dans la découverte d'une méthodologie qui va simplifier nos supply chains et va changer le monde"

Laurent VIGOUROUX Directeur d'usine Bernard Controls




"Une formation qui décape vos idées préconçues sur la gestion de la Supply Chain"

Jean Baptiste CLOUARD Consultant Quintiq



"Carol PTAK m'a fait découvrir une nouvelle boîte à outils qui permet d'allier le meilleur des boites à outils actuelles que sont MRPII, 6 Sigma et l Théorie des Contraintes, dans une démarche structurée répondant aux enjeux actuels"

Oliver CARRE Consultant Olivier CARRE Conseil



"Enfin une réponse claire, complète, logique et structurée aux problèmes de bullwhip que je rencontre systématiquement et dans tous les secteurs depuis 20 ans. Une révolution de la supply chain est en marche"

Paul CORDIE Consultant o2x Conseil



"The biginning of a revolution. A major change in the paradigme of material, inventory and production planning. The world is not flat anymore"

Ioan-Dan GAVRILESCU Chef de projet KNAPP



"Je suis impressionné par la puissance et l'apparente simplicité de ce concept innovant. Je suis maintenant impatient de le mettre en oeuvre et d'en faire bénéficier mes clients"

Alexandre MEZENGUEL Consultant Citwell



Mon seul regret : ne pas l'avoir invité nous même ! Le DDMRP reprend les concepts de gestion de flux utilisés lors des mises en place de systèmes Kanban, mais apporte les supports théoriques qui permettront de maîtriser la vision et le pilotage des flux

Denis de BOISSIEU Directeur Consultant BELIER Associés



"It is so much better to be roughly correct than precisly wrong"

Nicolas VAREILLAS Instructeur Festo


Carol PTAK

A Supply Chain Planning and Execution Revolution is Happening Now. Carol Ptak describe the next big innovation in formal planning. Visionner la conference du SITL 2013 : cliquez ici

The Problem with Traditional Planning Systems

Traditional material planning and control system (ERP/MRP and distribution requirements planning systems) are systems in which detailed forecasts are used to procure needed materials and push manufacturing orders through the production and distribution system to the point of consumption. This system is typically called "Push and Promote." These legacy rules and systems are causing enormous amounts of friction and compromises within and between manufacturers in today's more complex and volatile supply chains. Most Purchasing and Materials Managers feel like they are caught between a rock and a hard spot. Shortages of critical items must be eliminated while at the same time inventory levels must be dramatically reduced and expedite related expenses minimized. In today's economic climate this conflict is more acute than ever. Unfortunately most of today's available tool sets are insufficient to effectively resolve this conflict in the face of increasing demand and supply volatility and variability. Learn about the shortcomings of tools like MRP and kanbans as well as the conflict that they have with each other in the face of this volatility and variability. Discover a new and innovative demand driven approach that takes the relevant and meaningful attributes of tools like MRP and kanbans and combines innovative planning and execution techniques to satisfy both traditional planning personnel and Lean advocates.


What is Demand Driven MRP?

Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning is an innovative formal planning methodology that aligns resources, working capital and supply chain planning and execution to actual demand. Through innovative and intuitive approaches and fundamental planning changes DDMRP ends the compromises and dramatically augments the effectiveness of a company's planning organization. The five components of DMRP are; 1. Strategic Inventory Positioning; 2. Buffer Profiles and Level Determination; 3. Dynamic Buffers; 4. Demand Driven planning; 5. Highly Visible and Collaborative Execution.


About Carol Ptak

Carol Ptak is currently a partner with the Demand Driven Institute, and was most recently at Pacific Lutheran University as Visiting Professor and Distinguished Executive in Residence. Previously, she was vice president and global industry executive for manufacturing and distribution industries at PeopleSoft where she developed the concept of demand driven manufacturing (DDM). Ms. Ptak is also a past president of APICS and has authored several books on MRP, ERP, Lean and Theory of Constraints (TOC) including Necessary but Not Sufficient with Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt.

About the Demand Driven Institute

The Demand Driven Institute (DDI) was founded by Carol Ptak and Chad Smith, co-authors of Orlicky's Material Requirements Planning, Third Revised Edition in order to proliferate and further develop demand driven strategy and tactics in industry.


Dernière modification : 10/12/2015



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