July 5 afternoon and July 6
French finale The Fresh Connection July 6
Seminar & workshop & serious game July 7
40 + speakers |
20 + presentations |
1 world premier
3 serious games |
3 workshops and 1 seminar |
200 + professional visitors expected |
days of supply chain benchmarking |
Fapics, the French association for Supply Chain Management, is organizing their event this year with a special guest: Demand Driven World 2017 in Ecole Centrale de Lyon, the prestigious university and provider of continuous education as host partner.
Since 1991, Fapics has continuously promoted the best practices in Supply Chain Management with partners: consulting firm, education providers, software designers, universities. Fapics introduced Demand Driven MRP in France in 2012 and since, the French are leader in the world for the numbers of certified professionals, instructors and success stories.
Professionals who have an interest in supply chain management, head of businesses who want their employees to increase their international activities with best practices in Supply chain Management as well as managers of all departments who want to understand why it is necessary to be involved with supply chain teams.
In France’s second biggest city: LYON, located in the Rhône valley, 2 hours by train from from Paris. This year the engineering school Ecole Centrale will host the event.
From the 5th to the 7th of July 2017 with a pre-conference event on the 3d and 4th.
Companies member Consulting firms Education providers Universities Software designers